Pedro Jiménez Bluhm
Profesor Asistente print ImprimirSoy médico veterinario de la Universidad de Chile, y doctorado en Ciencias Comparativas Biomédicas de la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison. Mi línea de investigación se relaciona principalmente con la vigilancia y caracterización de virus Influenza A (gripe) en aves silvestres, cerdos y gallinas. Entre mis estudios destacan la caracterización de la influenza aviar en aves silvestres en Chile y su presentación en aves de corral tanto en Chile como en Colombia. Además, extiendo esta área de investigación hacia los animales de compañía, como perros y gatos, que también son susceptibles a Influenza A.
book Grados Académicos
Ver más add- Médico Veterinario. Universidad de Chile.
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Estados Unidos.
book Docencia en Medicina Veterinaria UC
Ver más add- Enfermedades Infecciosas (VET1160).
book Líneas de Investigación
Ver más add- Influenza aviar.
- Virus ARN.
- Transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas.
book Proyectos Actuales
Ver más add- Gene flow of avian influenza viruses in shorebirds in chile and assessment of their zoonotic potential. Fondecyt 11190755, Investigador principal:
- Risk of zoonotic infection with influenza viruses in backyard farmers at the animal-human interface in Chile (CHILEFLU). NIH-Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Response (CEIRR) Contract HHSN75N93021C00016, Directora: Stacey Schultz-Cherry. Coinvestigador principal.
book Publicaciones
Ver más add- Novel Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza H6N1 in Backyard Chicken in Easter Island (Rapa Nui), Chilean Polynesia F Di Pillo, C Baumberger, C Salazar, P Galdames, S Ruiz, B Sharp, et al. Viruses 14 (4), 718.
- Evidence of influenza infection in dogs and cats in central Chile P Jimenez-Bluhm, A Sepulveda, C Baumberger, F Di Pillo, S Ruiz, et al. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 191, 105349.
- Temporal dynamics and the influence of environmental variables on the prevalence of avian influenza virus in main wetlands in central Chile S Ruiz, P Jimenez‐Bluhm, F Di Pillo, C Baumberger, P Galdames, et al. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 68 (3), 1601-1614.
- Equine-Like H3 Avian Influenza Viruses in Wild Birds, Chile N Bravo-Vasquez, J Yao, P Jimenez-Bluhm, V Meliopoulos, P Freiden, et al. Emerging Infectious Diseases 26 (12), 2887-2898.
- Factores ambientales relacionados con la presentación de virus influenza A en aves silvestres S Ruiz, C Baumberaer, P Jimenez-Bluhm, V Marambio, C Salazar, et al.
Revista MVZ Córdoba 25 (2), 101-111. - Risk factors and spatial relative risk assessment for influenza A virus in poultry and swine in backyard production systems of central Chile N Bravo‐Vasquez, C Baumberger, P Jimenez‐Bluhm, F Di Pillo, A Lazo, et al. Veterinary medicine and science 6 (3), 518-526.
- Movement Restriction and Increased Surveillance as Efficient Measures to Control the Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Backyard Productive Systems in Central Chile FD Pillo, P Jimenez-Bluhm, C Baumberger, V Marambio, P Galdames, et al. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7, 424.
- Assessing antibiotic residues in poultry eggs from backyard production systems in Chile, first approach to a non-addressed issue in farm animals J Cornejo, E Pokrant, F Figueroa, R Riquelme, P Galdames, F Di Pillo, et al. Animals 10 (6), 1056.
- Backyard poultry production in Chile: animal health management and contribution to food access in an upper middle-income country F Di Pillo, G Anríquez, P Alarcón, P Jimenez-Bluhm, P Galdames, V Nieto, et al. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 164, 41-48.
- Low pathogenic avian influenza (H7N6) virus causing an outbreak in commercial Turkey farms in Chile P Jimenez-Bluhm, N Bravo-Vasquez, MK Torchetti, ML Killian, et al.
Emerging Microbes & Infections 8 (1), 479-485. - Wild birds in Chile Harbor diverse avian influenza A viruses P Jiménez-Bluhm, EA Karlsson, P Freiden, B Sharp, F Di Pillo, JE Osorio, et al. Emerging microbes & infections 7 (1), 1-4.
- Detección del virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle en aves de traspatio en Chile
C Baumberger, A Lazo, P Jiménez-Bluhm, F Di Pillo, N Bravo-Vasquez, … Revista MVZ Córdoba 23 (S), 6942-6950. - Circulation of influenza in backyard productive systems in central Chile and evidence of spillover from wild birds P Jimenez-Bluhm, F Di Pillo, J Bahl, J Osorio, S Schultz-Cherry, et al. Preventive veterinary medicine 153, 1-6.
- Swine influenza virus (H1N2) characterization and transmission in ferrets, Chile N Bravo-Vasquez, EA Karlsson, P Jimenez-Bluhm, V Meliopoulos, … Emerging infectious diseases 23 (2), 241.
- Presence of influenza viruses in backyard poultry and swine in El Yali wetland, Chile
N Bravo-Vasquez, F Di Pillo, A Lazo, P Jiménez-Bluhm, S Schultz-Cherry, … Preventive veterinary medicine 134, 211-215. - Avian H11 influenza virus isolated from domestic poultry in a Colombian live animal market
P Jiménez-Bluhm, EA Karlsson, KA Ciuoderis, V Cortez, SA Marvin, et al. Emerging Microbes & Infections 5 (1), 1-9.